New Years Resolutions Are So 2011

You know it’s the first Monday of the New Year when you’ve got to wait for an Elliptical machine for 22 minutes (mind you, there are 25 of them lined up at my gym).

Basic reasoning tells me that 80 percent of these newbie Elliptical users’ New Years resolutions include losing weight. Kudos to them. Now get off that machine so I can burn off last night’s Five Guys bender, thank-you-very-much.

My resolution? Last year, it was to quit dropping F-bombs (fail). The year before? To give up my one-Parliament-a-day-smoking habit (victorious!). Before that? To start a family (done times two). Way back when? To write for publications and outlets which I covet (donezo — thank you, The Miami Herald and Ocean Drive Magazine for that.)

This year? There is no resolution. I know, how unorthodox of me! I kid. While I do deem it important to set personal goals — I’ve learned that if you want and desire something badly enough in this life, it will truly come to fruition. But it takes hard work and chutzpah. And gumption. And making decisions from a good place deep inside. Lastly, the Big Man Upstairs has got to want it for you, too. Now, I’m not going to go all Deepak Chopra on you but with that said, logic dictates to me that I rather fancy cursing like a drunken sailor, that I felt it was imperative to quit my unhealthy cigarette habit and having kids was in the cards for Sebastian and I.

As for my writing, I promise to continue giving it my all — especially through this quirky blog. Thanks for reading and I wish you a f#cking fantastic 2012!

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